
  • Marine Review after completing AIMC

    “I just finished the PEX/UEX/DEX for AIMC and I started using the regular blade antenna and I wasn’t getting hardly any comms. I swapped to my CAAT...
  • Woodland Firefighter out of California

    “Figured I’d send you some pictures of my antenna in use on the July complex in California since I have service. So far so good, I like the antenna...
  • AUS JTAC with 17 Years Experience

    “I can definitely vouch for these antennas. Having been JTAC’ing full time for the last 17 years, the antennas work great, great range and I’ve had...
  • UV5r User

    “Dude, this antenna is so much better than the abbree I was running before. Thanks again man.” - @dooleytubes
  • Camp Lejeune Marine

    “Finally I found something that did everything I asked for. This is the @caatailantennas “Squad Leader Antenna”. It is a flexible antenna that gets...
  • Marine Mortarman at ITX

    "Bought the RTO months ago, but ITX has been my first hard use of the antenna. The only antenna that's given me consistent quality comms regardless...
  • Army Infantry Officer in Afghanistan Testing in Deadzones

    “Moved to a new camp in AFG last week. I took your antenna tp every dead spot the BDOC couldn't get comms with ppl before. Crystal clear.” - @quade...
  • U.S. Navy MA Providing Harbor Security for our Nation’s Submarine Force

    “So my small boat unit provides harbor security for our nation’s submarine force. We have multiple crews underway at any given time a long with fix...
  • Baofeng Package Review from @wardawgtactical

    “So since I am getting bombarded by messages I’m gonna do a quick product review for these wearable antennas. There was significant improvement in ...
  • CAATail saves the day for Marine calling in CAS

    “Peep the CAATail. My fucking 117G took a shit in the middle of a control and a prc152 with a caatail saved the day.”
  • Pack run while still maintaining comms

    “Loaded everything up today to go run some trails. Way better than the whip and still got great reception listening to the local ATC and planes thr...
  • “Squad Leader” Review from @blaque.bandito

    “Shoot, move, communicate. The Squad Leader antenna from @caatailantennas is an outstanding option to solve Comms issues with MBITRs. It’s a multif...